Studio Fenice S.n.c

Tecniche di restauro e restauro di vetrate - Bottega di arte vetraria - Bologna

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Home The stained glass art workshop Materials and methods of execution
Materiali e modalità di esecuzione

Materials and methods of execution

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Materials and methods of execution
Painting and firing technique
Choosing the subjects
Photographic presentation of stained glass panels in situ

Photographic presentation of stained glass panels in situ

The photographic presentation is not by all means complete. For now the stained glass panels have been photographed in detail (See additional images), but they have been photographed against artificial light coming from a lighted table with an opaque screen .

This way the grisaille painting stands out, but the different degrees of transparency of different quality glass tiles are lost. Also lost is the contrast between the grisaille painting and the mouth-blown, with  its characteristic air bubbles. These contrasts, which are very beautiful and planned with care, can be best appreciated when the panels are placed in front of natural light.